Awarding of urbanization works for phases B-1 and D of the Zorrotzaurre project

Concursos, licitaciones y adjudicaciones

Awarding of urbanization works for phases B-1 and D of the Zorrotzaurre project


The Contracting Board of the Execution Unit 1 of Zorrotzaurre, during its last meeting held on May 14, has resolved the tender related to the urbanization works of Phase D of the Execution Unit 1 of Zorrotzaurre; these works have been awarded to the Temporary Business Association CantábricasViuda de Sainz for an amount of 12.264.709,22 euros (VAT excluded). It comprises urbanization works of streets, squares, gardens and urban services in the northern tip of the island (the closest one to Zorrotza). In this way, the lots where the first blocks of buildings will be built, both residential and tertiary, are going to be delimited.

Likewise, the management of these works has been awarded to the company Técnica y Proyectos S.A. for an amount of 224.000 euros (VAT excluded).

On the other hand, the Contracting Board has awarded the urbanization works for Phase B-1 of Execution Unit 1 of Zorrotzaurre. The winning company is Viconsa S.A. for an amount of 3.170.242,51 euros (VAT excluded). It includes the urbanization of the space between the Euskalduna bridge and the IMQ clinic.

The management of these works has been given to Saitec Engineering for an amount of 74.750 euros (IVA excluded).


paseo nuevo zorrotzaurre Opening of the promenade on the right bank of the Deusto Canal
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