The Contracting Board of Zorrotzaurre awards the urbanisation works of the new Pabellón de Remo to BYCAM


The Contracting Board of Zorrotzaurre awards the urbanisation works of the new Pabellón de Remo to BYCAM


The Contracting Board of Zorrotzaurre has awarded the company BYCAM Servicios Edificios e Infraestructuras S.A. the contract to undertake the urbanisation works on the Pabellón de Remo that Bilbao Kirolak is building in the old Agemasa building.

The winning company’s bid was €403,364.82 (ex. VAT) (the baseline tender budget was €492,028.33), and the works will extend over a 10-week period.

Four companies submitted bids in this tender process.

The Edificio Papelera has installed a pioneering energy installation to cut heating costs by half
The Tender Committee publishes invitations to tender for the implementation of Phase A of the Zorrotzaurre Project and for supervision and management of said works