The Works to open up the Deusto Canal will be carried out by the temporary consortium of TECSA, Construcciones Murias and Drace Infraestructuras

Concursos, licitaciones y adjudicaciones

The Works to open up the Deusto Canal will be carried out by the temporary consortium of TECSA, Construcciones Murias and Drace Infraestructuras


The finalisation of the works to open up the Deusto Canal will, finally, be carried out by the temporary consortium of TECSA, Construcciones Murias and Drace Infraestructuras. This is due to the withdrawal of the previous temporary consortium, which won the original Call for Tenders.

The original consortium of Dragados and Hermanos Elortegui had given as the reason for renouncing the works, the discrepancies between the partners in reaching the agreements necessary to govern the consortium.

The new consortium was the runner-up in the original Call for Tenders and will suppose an increase in the budget for the works of 650,000 euros as the new budget stands at 10,186,341 euros before VAT.

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