Demolition commences on the Vicinay Cadenas facilities


Demolition commences on the Vicinay Cadenas facilities


The Contract Award Board has begun demolition of the Vicinay Cadenas facilities. This is the last big demolishment to be undertaken in phase one of the Zorrotzaurre project.

Vicinay Cadenas, the world’s leading offshore chain sling manufacturer, is the largest company that was located in Zorrotzaurre. It owned 7.5% of the land (approximately 30,000 m2)included in the area reurbanisation project.It is a founder-member of the Zorrotzaurre Management Committee.

In August 2012 it began production at its new factory in Sestaoand it has gradually been transferring its various productions lines there, whereby the whole of the company’s manufacturing now takes place at the Sestao plant.

The demolition that has begun affects all Vicinay Cadenas facilities except for two office buildings which form part of the 19 conserved under the Special Plan to be devoted to new purposes. They are specifically the former Banco Bilbao archive, built in 1954 by the architect Ricardo Bastida, and the old La Coromina paint factory. The first is earmarked to be the future headquarters ofTknika, the Research and Applied Innovation Centre for vocational training in Euskadi.

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